What plant parasitic nematode genomes are available on SCNBase and which is best?

Genome assembly and annotation statistics for H. glycines and related species. BUSCO was run on both Eukaryota_odb10 and Nematoda_odb10, using both genome and predicted proteins. The max missing score was computed by removing the 666 BUSCO genes from Nematoda_odb10, that were not found in any of the 8 genomes assessed. Total represents the total base pairs of every unit (gene, transcript, exon), while count refers to the number of units in the genome. Statistics modified from Masonbrink et al 2021.

 H. glycines TN10 pseudomoleculeH. glycines TN10 DraftH. glycines X12 pseudomoleculeGlobodera rostochiensisGlobodera pallidaGlobodera ellingtonaeMeloidogyne haplaMeloidogyne incognita
Available on SCNBaseYesYesYesNo, try WormbaseNo, try WormbaseNo, try Wormbase.  Annotation is here.No, try WormbaseNo, try Wormbase
Number of scaffolds97382674,2816,8732,2463,45212,091
Number of contigs2,10973888817,23618,27013,8433,45213,148
Percent scaffolded contigs100.0%N/A92.6%94.2%90.1%94.8%N/A25.0%
Genome size (base pairs)157,982,452123,847,574141,354,28795,876,286123,625,196105,964,81453,017,507183,531,997
N50 scaffold length (base pairs)17,908,190304,12716,265,61588,688120,481327,18937,60862,516
L50 scaffolds41094278296853721,209
N's (%)1.06%0.00%0.73%4.61%16.17%0.85%0.00%1.81%
BUSCO Proteins (Eukaryota_odb10)C:78.0%[S:69.0%,D:9.0%],F:7.8%,M:14.2%,n:255C:89.0%[S:68.2%,D:20.8%],F:3.1%,M:7.9%,n:255C:64.7%[S:58.8%,D:5.9%],F:13.7%,M:21.6%,n:255C:63.2%[S:62.4%,D:0.8%],F:18.4%,M:18.4%,n:255C:48.2%[S:43.9%,D:4.3%],F:22.4%,M:29.4%,n:255C:59.6%[S:59.6%,D:0.0%],F:18.4%,M:22.0%,n:255C:65.1%[S:64.7%,D:0.4%],F:16.9%,M:18.0%,n:255C:70.2%[S:18.0%,D:52.2%],F:12.2%,M:17.6%,n:255
BUSCO Genome (Nematoda_odb10)C:55.6%[S:52.5%,D:3.1%],F:2.3%,M:42.1%,n:3131C:55.1%[S:47.4%,D:7.7%],F:2.0%,M:42.9%,n:3131C:52.2%[S:49.0%,D:3.2%],F:1.8%,M:46.0%,n:3131C:60.0%[S:58.9%,D:1.1%],F:1.9%,M:38.1%,n:3131C:46.7%[S:43.5%,D:3.2%],F:2.5%,M:50.8%,n:3131 C:54.4%[S:52.8%,D:1.6%],F:2.4%,M:43.2%,n:3131 C:45.4%[S:44.5%,D:0.9%],F:4.7%,M:49.9%,n:3131C:63.6%[S:24.0%,D:39.6%],F:1.0%,M:35.4%,n:3131
BUSCO Proteins (Nematoda_odb10)C:60.2%[S:51.5%,D:8.7%],F:1.5%,M:38.3%,n:3131C:66.5%[S:47.7%,D:18.8%],F:1.6%,M:31.9%,n:3131 C:53.9%[S:49.4%,D:4.5%],F:2.2%,M:43.9%,n:3131 C:66.7%[S:64.3%,D:2.4%],F:2.1%,M:31.2%,n:3131C:45.6%[S:41.9%,D:3.7%],F:2.8%,M:51.6%,n:3131C:65.4%[S:56.5%,D:8.9%],F:2.0%,M:32.6%,n:3131C:59.6%[S:58.5%,D:1.1%],F:2.2%,M:38.2%,n:3131C:68.5%[S:13.9%,D:54.6%],F:1.7%,M:29.8%,n:3131
BUSCO Max Missing (Nematoda_odb10)299/2465 (12.1%)274/2465 (11.1%)476/2465 (19.3%)215/2465 (8.7%)711/2465 (28.8%)300/2465 (11.4%)384/2465 (15.6%)223/2465 (9%)
Gene StatisticsTotal :  102,643,360
Count:  22,465
Mean:   4,569
Max:    334,901
Total:  71,832,760
Count:  29,769
Mean:   2,413
Max:    65,717
Total:  41,620,250
Count:  11,882
Mean:   3,502
Max:    97,943
Total:  39,556,786
Count:  14,308
Mean:   2,764
Max:    43,003
Total:  39,553,007
Count:  16,403
Mean:   2,411
Max:    203,234
Total:  44,105,901
Count:  19,428
Mean:   2,270
Max:    34,634
Total:  26,366,893
Count:  14,419
Mean:   1,828
Max:    21,476
Total:  87,998,653
Count:  45,351
Mean:   1,940
Max:    55,968
Transcript StatisticsTotal:  103,726,162
Count:  23,933
Mean:   4,334
Max:    334,904
Total:  82,225,676
Count:  32,271
Mean:   2,547
Max:    65,717
Total:  41,620,250
Count:  11,882
Mean:   3,502
Max:    97,943
Total:  39,558,194
Count:  14,309
Mean:   2,764
Max:    43,003
Total:  39,553,007
Count:  16,403
Mean:   2,411
Max:    203,234
Total:  49,290,306
Count:  20,704
Mean:   2,380
Max:    34,634
Total:  26,366,893
Count:  14,419
Mean:   1,828
Max:    21,476
Total:  87,760,630
Count:  43,718
Mean:   2,007
Max:    55,968
Exon StatisticsTotal:  28,809,023
Count:  182,837
Mean:   157
Max:    5,764
Total:  38,506,160
Count:  234,671
Mean:   164
Max:    12,491
Total:  16,809,661
Count:  100,197
Mean:   167
Max:    6,154
Total:  18,085,706
Count:  125,167
Mean:   144
Max:    11,924
Total:  17,623,861
Count:  131,459
Mean:   134
Max:    12,238
Total:  24,938,405
Count:  162,096
Mean:   153
Max:    9,312
Total:  15,015,088
Count:  88,145
Mean:   170
Max:    8,465
Total:  48,111,770
Count:  275,269
Mean:   174
Max:    10,685
ReferencesMasonbrink, R.E., et al., 2021Masonbrink, R.E., et al.,  2019Lian, Y., et al., 2019Eves-van den Akker, S., et al 2016Cotton, J.A., et al 2014Phillips W.S., et al., 2017Opperman, C.H., et al 2008Abad, P., et al., 2008